Are you hosting a family STEAM night at your school? Are you looking for community organizations to showcase STEM careers, family activities, and more? Penn State can help you!
There are many amazing Penn State groups that would love to come out and support bringing STEM into classrooms — from activities with WPSU, Penn State’s PBS station, to having fun with slime with the Penn State Student Pennsylvania Education Association (SPSEA) chapter future teachers, creating wind turbines with Center for Science and the Schools, building electric circuits with Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), and learning about robots with Origins Lab, Penn State’s prototyping and fabrication lab.
Bellefonte Area School District held their Family STEAM Night on November 8, 2023, and it was a hit! Many local organizations came out to support the event, which was organized by the Eberly College of Science Outreach Office with the Bellefonte STEAM Team, led by Drew Eddinger and Allison D’Ambrosia.
If you are looking for volunteers and exhibits for your own STEAM family night at your school, please contact us!