Event Recap: Getting involved with Remake Learning Days 2023

On January 12, the K-12 Engagement Network hosted Dorie Taylor, co-producer of Remake Learning Days Across America to share the many ways that Penn State colleges, campuses, departments, and units can be involved with Remake Learning Days 2023 (RLD 2023). 

Recorded Webinar 

Date Recorded: January 12, 2023
Duration: 33 minutes

Event Recap

Remake Learning

Remake Learning is a free peer network for educators and innovators in the greater Pittsburgh region. The network started in 2007 through informal conversations among educators who care deeply about creating relevant learning experiences for students. It currently includes more than 600 organizations and 1,500 members.

Remake Learning Equity Pillars:

  • Learners of color
  • Learners in poverty
  • Learners with disabilities
  • Learners in rural communities
  • Girls in STEM

Remake Learning DaysRemake Learning Days Across America

Remake Learning Days (RLD) is a festival that celebrates the joy of learning. The event began in 2016 in Pittsburgh and since has spread to 17 regions in the United States and to several other countries. Remake Learning Days celebrations are composed of many free or low-cost, family-friendly learning events that are designed to help caregivers engage in their child’s learning and familiarize themselves with what learning looks like today. In 2019, Remake Learning Days partnered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Career Ready PA to align events with career readiness standards that allow students to earn artifacts for their career portfolios. 

Remake Learning Days Goals:

  • for parents and caregivers to learn alongside their children and expose families to what innovative learning looks like
  • to have a region-wide celebration of the incredible learning opportunities that exist in all neighborhoods
  • to ignite a conversation among diverse stakeholders about what the future of learning looks like
  • to strengthen a region’s learning ecosystem

Become an Event Host 

Host an event through your organization between May 4 and 23, 2023, that promotes the arts, hands-on learning, outdoor learning, science, technology, or the youth voice. Submit your event information through the RLD website, and the event will be added as part of the official RLD schedule. 

Submit your event

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